Thursday, March 10, 2011

Homeschooling Conference

HE and I have signed up to lead two more workshops this year at the Wisconsin Parents Association Homeschool Conference in Oshkosh this May. We enjoy this conference and always get a lot out of attending.

We'll be leading a workshop on how to homeschool when you don't have much outside support--either a homeschooling group, supportive friends and family--or like us, you live out in the country, so resources aren't always convenient. We hope it will be a good discussion with lots of suggestions and ideas that parents can take home and create a richer and more supportive environment for the their homeschooling adventure.

We're also excited to lead a second workshop for all ages that will consist of a variety of math and science challenges, activities and games. We'll break into groups, explain each challenge, set the timer and see how everyone does. It should be a lot of fun and educational as well.

If you read this blog and homeschool, or are interested in homeschooling, and you are free the first weekend in May, check it out Wisconsin Parents Association. The conference details are available now.
"Studying" in the dorms.

We'll stay in the dorm rooms as we have done the last two years. It makes an inexpensive conference downright cheap. And is always a bit of an adventure for the kiddos.

Hope to see you there!

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