Sunday, December 12, 2010


It's a perfect day to be snowed in! The fire is warming the house, the Christmas lights are sparkling on the tree, Christmas carols playing in the background, cookies baking in the oven.

Erica and Aidan have been outside on three separate occasions digging forts and playing in the new snow. The birds don't seem to mind the wind and snow. There were a dozen flitting around the bird feeders when I woke up this morning.

I took this cool shot of the garden shed from the Hearth room--with the lights on the Christmas tree reflected on the glass door.
 The wind was really whipping the snow around and we were glad we didn't have to go anywhere. Not that we could get into or out of the garage...

We'll dig out tomorrow, or later today. For now, we're hunkered down!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Monday was tree cutting and trimming day on Dead Rat Hill. Everyone but the chickens ventured down to "the Pines" and scouted out a suitable tree. "The Pines" is an impenetrable fortress of towering trees, devoid of animal life, surrounded by festering, sulfurous swampland as far as the eye can see....
No, it's not.

Really it's just a living snow fence for the main drive leading up to the three homes that occupy these parts. One of our responsibilities is to maintain these towering trees and ensure that new ones are growing in to take place of the ones that die or get blown down. One (very small) way we will do this is by cutting down a Christmas tree each year from the smaller trees growing on the edge of the main group.
Many of the smaller trees are quite crowded and have branches growing only on one side.

Oh well, you really only see one side of the tree once it's in the house anyway...

The kids absolutely love this ritual. I think for them, it wouldn't be Christmas without it.
We collected a tree for the hearth room and one for the kids to have upstairs--this one is primarily adorned with small stuffed animals and a smattering of the kids favorite ornaments. Aidan also had to have a baby tree that he put into a glass jar and decorated with tiny wire and bead ornaments he made himself.

Here it is, next to the handmade lego candy dish that he made last week. So clever, that boy!

And without further ado, here is the Dead Rat Hill Christmas Tree, version 2010:
Yup, it's a bit Charlie Brown-ish, but it's all ours!