Monday, August 29, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

This time of year I begin to crave structure and schedule. My kids don't even go to public school and I still can't wait for the school year to begin because I know it will mean some semblance of order will again descend upon our humble home.

The illnesses of the past weeks have been un-fun. Poor Erica recovered long enough from her week-long fever/sore throat engagement to celebrate her birthday belatedly with friends. But then succumbed to a different virus and found herself horizontal on the couch again two days later (for three more days). The doctor called it "bad luck". I call it a (excuse me while I say a naughty word) crappy (yes, I said crappy) way to spend the summer for a 12 year old.

So, not only will the beginning of school mean order and structure, it will mean healthy, vibrant children. I am soooo looking forward to that.

[Because we are DONE being sick.  Yes, I said, done.]

Incidentally, while Erica became ill for the second time, Aidan bounced back from the fever/sore throat crap (I'm on a roll) and proceeded to attend his five-day Camp Invention. Here is a link to their website. Camp Invention The camp engages children in hand's-on, critical thinking, and teamwork to  problem solve. Though they probably have an even better description on their website--click on the link!

If you are fortunate enough to have a local school host this day camp next summer, I highly recommend enrolling your child. Aidan had a blast and loved every minute of it. He's already talking about going next summer.

And just to show how healthy he's feeling, Aidan completed the week by participating in the Silver Lake Aquathon for kids (1/4 mile swim and 1/2 mile run) fund-raising event.
You go, bud!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cooling Off

We went to the local pool to cool off on Monday in the intense heat and humidity. It was our last big hurrah this week. The kids are fighting off a virus of some type, so we've been laying low these past few days. Symptoms include stomach aches, headaches, body aches, sore throats and fatigue. General yuck. They are quite miserable.

In the meantime, HE needed to do some hard work on our lawn faucet which had sprung a leak. This included a 4 1/2 foot deep hole, lots of mud and trips to the hardware store.

So we're hanging in there--hoping for a healthier and problem-free weekend.

It had better be, anyway!

Erica will be celebrating her birthday!