Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chicken Treats

Aidan was attacked by our rooster yesterday.

Perhaps "attacked" is a bit harsh.

Though it did peck his leg and leave a small abrasion.

Aidan thought Rooster Bob was just coming over for a friendly chat, but when RB pecked him, Aidan ran into the house with RB chasing him.

Aidan grabbed a plastic sword and headed back outside, at which point I suggested we not antagonize RB, but instead make chicken treats.

Aidan was so excited to make them that it just could not wait. So last night, HE and Aidan whipped up these treats.

And today we fed them to our chickens.

Aidan's Chicken Treats

some chicken scratch grain
layer crumbles
Finely chop the carrot, celery and spinach. 
Mix with the remaining ingredients. 
Form into small balls. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.

1 comment:

Michaele said...

My kids used to mix up concoctions for the chickens all the time. It would have been fun to write down some of those recipes. Your chickens are beautiful. I love their color.