Thursday, March 3, 2011


Pioneer Woman is slaying me.

Actually it's her cookbook.

Really it's the recipes.

Well, okay so -- not slaying me. More like tickling my tastebuds.

I cook.  A lot. And I like cookbooks and have way too many of them. I have been avoiding PW's cookbook for that reason, but I finally decided to give in. After all, I could just check it out from the library rather than go out and purchase it right away. But I quickly discovered that this is one cookbook that I would use. A lot. I have been going through and picking out recipes to try, in no particular order.

Well, okay. Carbs first, if you must know.

French Breakfast Puffs--ooh, la, la.

Basic Breakfast Potatoes--divine

Edna Mae's Sour Cream Pancakes--wow

And Heaven, help me Patsy's Blackberry Cobbler--can I get an Amen! This brought back some kind of childhood memory. I'm sure my grandma used to make a version of this cobbler that has been missing from my life for ... well, for a long, long time.

Nothing lasted quite long enough to be photographed (except for the cobbler, which had to be pried out of my hands). And granted, I have only scratched the surface, but oh yum. Yummy, yum, yum. What I love about this book is that the recipes are so down-to-earth and I would use every one of them.

It's true--I just paged through the entire book just to double check that I wasn't about to tell a lie. Every single recipe. How often does that happen?

Except maybe Ivy's Prune Cake with Buttermilk Icing. But if Marlboro Man likes it, then I'm game.

So this one's a keeper. Not this actual copy--the library would be mad at me if I never returned it. I'll go out and get my own.

After I eat the rest of this cobbler.

Thanks for sharing your recipes, PW!

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