Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Peas and things

Our peas are flowering and we had our first salad with snap peas the other day. I am definitely a snap pea/snow pea kinda gal. I definitely prefer shell peas (all peas) fresh rather than cooked. It's fun snacking in the garden.
Rooster Bob is sporting his shiny new bracelet. HE banded the older chickens so that we can identify them. Then we let the "little" guys out.
They loved it!

The kids saw this tiny guy outside and collected him for about 15 minutes and then let him go. We looked and looked for our snake book (to identify him) but can't find it anywhere. If you've seen it, let me know.

1 comment:

Michaele said...

Beautiful red chickens. These must be your buckeyes? I think mine are Road Island Reds. They are not this dark.