Thursday, November 17, 2011

Save the Socks!

I love my Smartwool socks.

I love the colors and the patterns. They're so fun!

I love them so much I wear the heels out of them.

...which bums me out big time.

Replacing them with a new pair would be nice, but seems silly considering there's just a little hole. Well, okay, not so little, but still...

And they're not exactly cheap.

So what does a sock lover do?

You darn them.

If, like me, you have no clue how to darn a sock, just head over to YouTube and search for sock darning or darning socks.

Gather your supplies and get rolling. It's relatively easy. And kinda fun!

I'm not sure how many times you can darn a sock--eventually I guess it has to go to sock puppet land (pretty jazzy sock puppets!).
You can see the new brown area that I darned and a spot that need some reinforcement...
But until I learn how to knit my own (which I hope will be sooner than later) I will save my socks!


Jill said...

Don't you just love YouTube? I sure do. Good job.

Michaele said...

Good for you! Those socks certainly look worth saving. Ever try shoes?