Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Today we planted some more seeds. We added some additional spinach, beets, radishes and lettuce. We also added some Dragon Carrots! Those sounded so cool, I just had to buy them! We planted the beets by writing Erica's name and dropping the seeds in. I think we missed part of the R so we'll see how that turns out. Aidan wanted his name in Dragon Carrots! and golden beets. I told the kids that it will be easiest to see their names while the plants are small, but hopefully it will look really cool. Erica and Aidan each made a design of their own. Aidan planted lettuce and Erica planted radishes. Fun in the garden!  Photos to come....

Aidan took this picture of a marigold we planted downtown in Portage. Our 4-H club helps plant the planters around town along with some of the beds in Commerce Plaza. Such a bright and cheery flower--I may have to go to Links and get some myself.

I started hardening-off my seedlings today in the hopes of transplanting them this weekend or next week. We should be out of "frost" danger now. These little guys are ready to grow up big and strong! And I am ready to have them out of my house!
Next year, I hope to use my garden shed for starting seeds. It's where the wicked witch resides. Well, what's left of her. There's a story there and I know you are dying to hear it.
When we first purchased this land, we moved a mobile home onto the property within which to reside. [And that's a whole nother Oprah--I'll save it for a rainy day] HE then built a small shed to house his tools for the home building project. It was an excellent idea, but after the house was finished and we decided where to put the garden we realized the shed (now the garden shed) wasn't in the most convenient location. So HE and his dad (hmmm--Father-In-Law Extraordinaire... FILA?) moved it with FILA's big tractor. When the dust settled the shed was slanting and looked like a tornado had blown it in so I decided to make it look authentic. Unfortunately, the shed wasn't extremely functional on a slant so we leveled it and now it's not as funny to see witches legs sticking out from underneath. It still makes me smile.

This is such a neat photo. There's the shed before it was sided and moved. The mobile home is to the left (okay, you probably could figure that out...). Jim is helping Aidan plant a tree he had gotten at a 4-H event. It died. We put his placenta in there first (yup--we'd kept it all this time). I don't think it was the placenta that killed it....

AWWWW--Tippy is sooooooo cute. She's only 8 weeks old in this picture. Actually this was the same day we adopted her!

Cuz there wasn't enough insanity in our lives.


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